March 26, 2013

Positive Thinking for Moms

Positive Thinking for Moms

Moms sure worry a lot. If you’re anything like me, you imagine the worst that could happen. And then you feel bad about it, because thinking it makes it happen, right?

So is it impossible for us Moms to ever think positively?

Maybe in the first six months of your baby’s life. Just kidding!

Of course, we can have positive thoughts again. And as you go farther in your mothering career, it will get easier.

Try these tips for being a more optimistic, positive-thinking Mom:

1. Start Early

As soon as you wake up, take a moment to think positively. Get your mind settled down and remind yourself of all you have to be thankful for. This helps get you in a positive, grateful frame of mind right off the bat.

2. Repeat to Yourself…

It can help to have a mantra, or repeated phrase that you say each day, especially when stress closes in. It might be a Bible verse, a saying, a line of poetry, or a positive saying. Whatever it is, repeat it as needed and let it “sink in.”

3. You’re Not Really in Control

You may think your whole house will fall apart if you take a break, but really, letting go now and then is helpful for your sanity and for the rest of the household. Sometimes you just need to relax and realize that mistakes will happen, messes will be made, and life will go on. You can’t control every variable.

4. Cultivate Gratitude

There is something to be thankful for every day, even if it’s just that you’re alive. Sometimes it helps to consider all the things that didn’t happen on a given day that could have, such as a leaky faucet, the loss of your job, or someone in the family getting sick. Try to be grateful for the things you might normally take for granted, such as having enough food in the house or being able to drive.

5. Take Opportunities Wherever They Come Up

One of the keys to being grateful and optimistic is to watch for opportunities to be still and feel the gratitude. This might be at night, when your kids are sleeping and you look in on them. Maybe it’s during the day when little ones are napping, or when your kids are reading or playing. Just watch them for a moment, and be thankful that you have them. Look for opportunities to say “thank you,” and everyone in your family may feel more grateful.

Do this even when — or especially when — bad things happen. Always look for the silver lining. You may have to wait until things have settled down, but as soon as you can, make some quiet time to look back and find the positive in any situation.

Parenthood is not all worries, problems, and anxieties, although sometimes it may seem that way. Set aside several moments a day to intentionally think positive thoughts. You’ll find your stress level will go down, and you’ll be a happier Mommy.

How do you keep a positive attitude?


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Alexis Rodrigo
