March 20, 2012

The 7 Easiest House Plants to Maintain

House plants can really bring that extra something special into a room. They act as natural air filters in your home, and also look great…until you forget to water them and you are left with pots of withered, brown leaves that shed all over your floors.

High-maintenance house plants can quickly turn into unwanted house guests. But the good news is there are plenty of house plants that can withstand the occasional lax in watering. Here are some plants that look great and are easy to maintain.

Pothos is a favorite among house plant fans for its ease of maintenance as well as its good looks. This waxy-leafed beauty looks great hanging or trailing across a table. This plant can thrive in low to bright light and likes to be in moderately dry soil, so it’s perfect for those who consider themselves forgetful with plant watering.

Another plant that has no problem skipping watering sessions is the ZeeZee plant, or the eternity plant. It does well in low or bright light, and likes its soil to dry out between watering.

Grape ivy is another great low maintenance choice. This plant likes its soil evenly moist, and does well in medium light. However, unlike some other vines that can turn super scraggly if left untrimmed or pinched, this plant doesn’t require such pruning to stay full and pretty.

The Hoya, or wax plant, is a great choice for an easy, flowering plant. This plant can grow up to 4 feet and likes its soil dry, so it’s another winner for low maintenance watering.

The Ponytail Palm is a nice option for something tall, growing up to ten feet. The roots of this plant actually store water so it can really make random watering go the distance.

Rounding out this list are the Cast-Iron plant and the Chinese evergreen. Both of these plants are nearly indestructible, like low-light, evenly moist soil and have large, bold leaves that bring a nice pop of greenery to any room in your home. If you’re looking for a few more ideas for easy to care for house plants, Better Homes and Gardens has a good list of some more options. Why not start planting today?

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Alexis Rodrigo

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