Achieving a Positive Birth Experience

Giving birth can be one of the most emotionally overwhelming times of your life. You’re excited. You’re anxious and perhaps fearful. You’re also possibly physically exhausted. Yet the birth experience can be one of the most positive and rewarding moments of your life.

Use these tips to help achieve a positive birth experience.

#1 Create a birthing plan.

Your birthing plan outlines what you want to happen during the birth of your child. It lists who you want with you in the birthing room, how you want to deliver. Do you want music? Do you want to wear your own clothes? How do you want to manage pain? And what do you want after the birth of your child? For example, do you want your own room? Do you want to stay in the hospital as long as you can or would you rather go home?

#2Write down what you’re afraid of and the questions you have.

These fears and questions can hinder your experience. If you’re a high risk pregnancy or have special considerations then it’s even more important that you have all of your questions answered and fears allayed. If you’re able to go into childbirth having full knowledge of what to expect you’ll have a better experience. Ask questions!

#3 During pregnancy make sure you take good care of yourself.

Get plenty of rest, eat and if you?re not on bed rest, move your body.

#4 Learn to meditate.

Pregnancy is the perfect time to learn to meditate. It’ll help you you’re your mind and focus. When the time comes to give birth you can access these new skills to have a positive experience.

#5 Everyone likes to share their childbirth stories.

It’s a bonding experience. Yet some people’s stories can be quite negative. Avoid these stories. If a friend dives into a horror story, simply let her know you are avoiding negative birth stories. She’ll understand.

#6 Take a childbirth class.

The class will help you learn what to expect on the big day. Additionally, they’re generally quite supportive. It can be a bonding time for you and your partner. When the big day arrives, you’ll have learned some techniques to help you have a positive birth experience.

#7 During labor relax as much as possible.

Sleep if you can. If not, then listen to music. Find a comfortable position. Labor can be a long process so it’s important to be as relaxed as possible during the early stages.

#8 Stay hydrated!

Your body needs the fluids to function optimally. The more hydrated you are, the better you’ll feel.

#9 Walk and move around.

Until you’re in active labor it’s generally okay to get up and move around. If you feel like getting out of bed then do so. In fact, walking can help sooth contractions and make them feel less intense.

#10 Stay relaxed and focused during active childbirth.

If you’re in the hospital they may guide you to choose a focal point. If you’re delivering at home you have many options to help you stay relaxed and focused. Your body and mind naturally help you focus during the pushing and delivery part of childbirth. Find your focal point or happy place and relax.

#11 Once your baby is born hold him or her.

These precious first few minutes are so important. Your baby may actually begin nursing right away. Enjoy this skin to skin contact.

#12 After delivery treat yourself well.

Reflect on the day and all you’ve accomplished. If you journal, write down your experiences.

Continue to get plenty of rest and treat yourself well. If massage is available take advantage of it. Sleep well, eat well and tend to your physical body as well as your mental and emotional one. You’re a new mother now and that means taking care of yourself and your new little one.

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Alexis Rodrigo

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