November 13, 2009

Eco Friendly Baby Gifts: Top 10 Ideas for Green Giving

Looking for eco friendly baby gifts?  More and more parents are becoming eco conscious, especially when it comes to products for their babies.

They want to use only materials that are non-toxic, organic, and chemical-free. Products that are made using sustainable raw materials or that won’t last forever in last fills are also considered eco friendly. Baby gifts should also be reasonably priced and last several years.

Fortunately, there are plenty of eco friendly baby gifts on the market today. If you want some ideas, here are my top 10 picks for eco friendly baby presents:

1. Organic Baby Clothing

Babies have sensitive skin, so they need clothes that are super soft and free of harmful chemicals and dyes. Look for organic baby clothing made of organic cotton, bamboo, hemp and other fabric. Bamboo, for example, has antibacterial, antifungal and antistatic properties, as well as keeping baby more comfortable in any weather.

Bamboo coveralls by Kicky Pants

2. Fabric Toys

Nature's Purest Knit Giraffe

Nature's Purest Knit Giraffe

Soft and made with safe fabrics, these toys won’t hurt baby, even when he’s too young to properly coordinate his movements. Look for toys made with organic fabric and non-toxic, natural dyes. Also make sure there aren’t any buttons or other trimmings that could come off and cause choking. Fabric toys easily become bedtime lovies and are sure to be enjoyed for years to come.

3. Organic Baby Bedding and Nursery Accessories

Babies spend a lot of time sleeping, so their bedding and nursery accessories need to be eco friendly and safe, too. Your best bet are made of natural, organic fabrics without chemical dyes. Wool is a natural flame retardant, but make sure the recipient isn’t allergic.


Summer Infant Organic Vine Patch 6-Piece Crib Set

4. BPA-free Feeding Sets

Many parents were alarmed last year when news of the possible risks of BPA in baby feeding supplies came out. Here in Canada, retailers voluntarily withdrew all baby products containing BPA from their store shelves. But for many other parents, it’s still a difficult task to make sure they’re using only safe and toxin-free feeding implements for their precious ones – like this stainless steel feeding set:


Stainless Steel Baby Feeding Set

5. Wooden Toys

Because of the plastic scare, many parents are turning to wooden toys. I’ve always loved wooden toys for my children. They last longer than plastic toys and have more character. However, not all wooden toy are free of toxins. Make sure the toy uses toxic-free paints and no small parts that could choke a young child. I’m a fan of wooden toys by Melissa & Doug and Plan.


Melissa & Doug Deluxe Wooden Chomp and Clack Alligator Push Toy

6. Chemical-free Toiletries

My kids tend to have sensitive skin, so I’m always looking for body washes, shampoos and lotions that are gentle to their skin and don’t contain potentially harmful chemicals like SLS, parabens, and many others (Click here to see a list of chemicals to avoid). Earth Mama Angel Baby’s products are free of all these chemicals:

Deluxe Angel Baby Gift Basket

7. Reusable Table Topper or Placement for Eating Out

Aren’t restaurant and fast-food tables teeming with germs? I’m a germophobe and have previously used disposable placemats when we eat out. No more. I recently ordered this from, and I’m loving it. Yes, it’s made of plastic but it’s PVC and phthalate-free. The suction cups adhere much better than the tape on the disposables. When I get home, I just wash it and let it dry.


8. Natural Traveling Accessories

If your loved ones love to travel with their wee ones, they’ll love some eco-friendly traveling accessories, such as this stroller liner made from recycled polyester and bamboo.


9. Organic Baby Carrier

Your eco-conscious friends are most likely attachment parents as well. They’ll love a baby carrier made of natural fibers. Because babies spend a lot of time in a wrap or sling, they’ll need the ultimate comfort and gentleness. This wrap is made of 100% certified organic cotton.


10. Books to Develop a Love for the Environment

Instill a love for reading and the environment with these books about going green:

mamas-and-babies eco-babies-book

Granted, products from organic materials and other eco friendly choices often come with a higher price tag. However, the benefits in terms of long-term safety for baby and our environment far outweigh the initial costs.

If your budget is tight and you know how to sew, knit, bake or do woodwork, then making your own eco friendly baby gifts may be the answer. I myself love to make gifts – it’s frugal, charming and heart-felt. Here are some of my favorite resources for gifts to make:


Happy Green Gifting!


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Disclaimer: This website is not a substitute for consultation with your health care giver. You should not use any of the exercises or treatments mentioned in this website, without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

Disclosure: When I mention products, you must assume I will receive compensation for doing so. However, I only recommend products and services I myself use or believe in and would recommend to my own sisters and mother. Nevertheless, you should perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned in this website.
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Alexis Rodrigo

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