April 19, 2010

How To Raise Non-Racist Children

It’s important to teach children the inherent value of all people, regardless of skin color or cultural background. If we want racism to disappear, we have a duty to raise the next generation to be color-blind. Here are some tips on how to raise your child or children to be non-racist.

1. Use appropriate descriptive terms. If you need to point someone out, say, “The tall man in the red shirt,” or “The woman with short hair and a green skirt.” Don’t point people out by skin color.

2. Be a good role model. Be sure you treat everyone you interact with according to who they are, not their color. Be aware of your body language (make eye contact) and speech and make sure you are not sending the wrong message. For example, if there are children on the playground of a different color, act as you always would and encourage your child to play. The same is true for grown-ups; don’t avoid people of another color. Let your child see you talking and interacting openly with all shades of people.

3. Learn to appreciate other cultures. Learn about other traditions, holidays, foods, clothing, etc. and show your child that all approaches to life have value.

4. Attend multi-cultural celebrations and events. A lot of cities have cultural festivals; make a point of attending with your child.

5. Read literature and books that depict other races. There are a great many children’s books that feature characters who are African-American, Eskimo, Jewish, Japanese, and so forth. Stories with vivid illustrations will accustom children to the way people of other races look.

6. Don’t make it too big a deal. If you try to force the issue or get “too into it,” it may have the opposite effect. You don’t want to make your child too conscious about race; there is no need to point out differences in skin color excessively. You need to find the balance between appreciating differences without calling too much attention to those differences.

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Alexis Rodrigo
