Mosquito Bite Prevention and First Aid

Most people love the summer months because of the warm temperatures and all the activities they can be involved in. It’s safe to say no one likes dealing with mosquitoes, though.

No one likes to be bitten by mosquitoes or any other insect. In some instances it’s possible to avoid getting bitten, but not always.

Here are some ways to avoid mosquito bites:

Make sure there’s no stagnant water near where you work, live or play.

Stagnant water is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Where would you find stagnant water? Pet water dishes, ponds, pools, empty trash cans, unused toys or old tires are normal culprits. Dump out anything that can hold water so mosquitoes won?t be tempted to stick around.

Wear long sleeves, pants and socks when you’re going to spend time in areas you think mosquitoes will be.

For added protection, spray a mosquito repellant on your clothing.

Mosquito repellants containing DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) are thought to be the most effective.

Spray it directly to the skin or onto clothing. It is considered to be safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. However, children need a product containing 10% or less concentration.

Some people prefer to avoid DEET altogether.

If so, find mosquito repellants with Picaridin or oil of eucalyptus. While they may not be as effective as DEET because of their lower concentrations, they may do the trick for you.

Stay indoors during the hours mosquitoes are most active.

They are normally very active beginning at dusk and remain active until very early morning. Use any and all measures to avoid being bitten if you’re outdoors during this time.

Repair or install screens to windows and doors.

This is particularly important if you like to leave your windows open for fresh air at night. Having screens on doors and windows will keep as many mosquitoes out of your home as possible and outdoors where they belong.

How do you treat mosquito bites should you get them? As with any other injury you get, clean the area with a mild soap and water. Pat the area dry and avoid scratching it. The more you scratch the more you’ll want to scratch, which can tear the skin and cause it to become infected.

You can make a mosquito bite remedy by mixing two parts baking soda and one part water. This will create a paste when mixed well. It is then placed on the bites and will relieve the area as it begins to dry. The swelling and itching will also be reduced. Once the symptoms have eased you can wash the paste off with soap and water.

Apply a cold can of drink or ice cube directly to the bitten area. This will reduce the swelling and can help stop the itching. Aloe vera gel is also a good treatment for mosquito bites. It is all-natural and can be reapplied as necessary.

Calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream can also alleviate the itching. If the topical measures don’t do the trick, take an anti-inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen or an antihistamine. If the area becomes infected, be sure to contact your doctor.

Mosquito bite prevention and first aid is something you’ll want to know now that warmer weather has finally arrived. Use these tips for avoiding the bite in the first place. And if you do get bitten, you also know how to care for the bites.

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Alexis Rodrigo

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