Why You Should Drink More Water

You?re standing in the supermarket. All around you are choices. Juice. Soda. Energy drinks. Each claim to offer a benefit. Yet none offers the same benefits a simple glass of water can offer. When it comes down to making a decision about what to drink; water wins every time.
Here Are Five Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water
#1 Flushes Toxins From Your Body
In addition to simply hydrating your body, water serves to help remove waste from your body. It helps remove more than basic digestive waste too. Water helps flush toxins from your cells and organs too. Simply adding
#2 Helps You Lose Weight
Flushing toxins from your body is one way that water helps you lose weight. It also helps you feel full. Many diet and nutrition experts recommend drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry. Your body often misinterprets thirst. It thinks it is hungry.
Drinking a glass of water can take care of the hunger signals. Additionally, when you drink a zero calorie glass of water before a meal, it helps fill you up. You eat less during mealtime. You consume fewer calories. Keep this up meal after meal and you?ll lose weight.
#3 Improved skin, joints, hair, nails and muscles.
Water is your body?s main source of lubrication. When all of your cells are healthy and hydrated, your body is able to function optimally. That means your hair is healthier. Your skin is vital and healthy. Your joints tendons and muscles have what they need to function as well. In short, drink water to look and feel better.
#4 It?s Better for Your Heart
Many studies have found that drinking more water helps:
* Lower cholesterol
* Lower blood pressure
* Minimize the risk of heart disease
Much of the benefit to your heart comes from two key factors; water helps your blood flow which in turn lowers blood pressure and the strain on your heart. Additionally, water helps your body carry nutrients to your organs and vital tissues.
#5 Water is free.
Sure, you can pay big bucks for sparkling mineral water. It does taste good. However, water from a filtered tap is just as good for you and it?s absolutely free. You don?t have to spend your hard earned money on beverages that actually harm your health. Soda, fruit juice, energy drinks and other beverages contain sugar, chemicals and lack the hydrating elements you can get from a simple glass of water.
Drinking water is also simple. Water is everywhere. Drinking fountains, sink faucets and bottled water at your supermarket. It?s quick and easy to find anytime you want a drink.

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Alexis Rodrigo

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