May 4, 2010

How to Make a Special Mother’s Day Paper Flower Bouquet

What mother doesn’t love to receive flowers in some form from her child? Home-made flowers made from construction paper are even more endearing.

Flower Power

Here are some ideas for making flowers for Mom that won’t fade or wilt.

Hand-traced Flowers

This is a good one for toddlers and younger children.


* Green pipe cleaners
* Construction paper
* Glue
* Scissors
* Pencil


1. Make at least four tracings of your child’s hand on various colors of paper.

2. Bend the end of each pipe cleaner into a small hook shape. (The bent part of the pipe cleaner keeps the flower from slipping off the end and looks like a flower center.)

3. Cut out the hand shapes.

4. Take each cut-out hand and wrap it around the end of a pipe cleaner. Make sure the “fingers” are pointing upward and the small hook you bent in the pipe cleaner is inside.

5. Using glue, secure the hands in their wrapped shape.

6. Bend the “fingers” outward a bit to look like petals.

7. Place the flowers into a vase, or tie the stems with ribbon.

Tissue Paper Carnations or Roses

Here is another type of paper bouquet you can make for Mom (or any other special person in your life!).


* Tissue paper of various colors
* Green pipe cleaners
* Scissors

For Carnations:

1. Cut 8-10 circles from whatever color tissue paper you like – you don’t have to use all one color.
2. Stack the circles.
3. Poke one of the pipe cleaners through the center of the stack (or do one circle at a time).
4. Bend the end of the pipe cleaner to hold the circles firmly.
5. Push and shape the circles, separating them a bit, so that they look like a layered carnation shape.

For Roses:

1. Cut 8-10 circles from red or pink tissue paper, but make the edges scalloped.
2. Proceed as for carnations.

Add any finishing touches you like, such as leaves made from construction paper or pipe cleaners, or flower centers made from beads or construction paper.

Creative Commons License photo credit: jonmatthew photography

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Alexis Rodrigo
