Fun Mother’s Day Projects for Teenagers

Teenagers can show their love for Mom in different ways than young children. In the teen years, kids are more independent and can give back a bit more to Mom.

strawberry swarovski charm ring

Here are some ideas for Mother’s Day projects for teens:


Making coupons for Mom can really give her a boost, and if you are artistically inclined, they can be attractive and funny. Here is how to make a book of Mother’s Day coupons.


* Thin card stock, poster board, or index cards without lines
* Hole punch
* Yarn or ribbon
* Colored pencils, water colors, markers, etc.


1. If you are using card stock or poster board, cut it into rectangular pieces about the size and shape of a dollar bill or index card.

2. Punch two holes on the edge of each card. You will be stringing them together, so decide if you want them to lie horizontally or vertically.

3. Decorate each card to represent a different chore you can do, or breaks you can give Mom. Some examples of things to write on the coupons are: Good for one dinner and clean-up, Good for two bubble baths without interruption, etc.

4. When the cards are all decorated and written, lay them so that the holes line up and tie them together with ribbon or yarn.

Homemade Jewelry

Make a necklace for Mom that she will wear with pride. Here’s how:


* Beads. You can get creative here – think of Mom’s favorite colors and style. You can use beads of natural stone, wood, or metal; or use brightly colored seed beads interspersed with interesting beads, ending in a large, fun pendant. As an added bonus, use a bead for the pendant that is a hollow circle or triangle, and Mom can slip her glasses into it when she’s not wearing them.

* Upholstery thread

* Medium needle

* Lighter or match


1. Cut a length of thread that is long enough to go over Mom’s head. Use your own head or one of her existing necklaces as a measurement so you don’t spoil the surprise.

2. Thread the needle.

3. Using the needle, string the beads in any pattern you think Mom would like. You can be free-form and random, or design a symmetrical necklace. Some tips are:

-Lay the beads out on a table to see your design first.
-Count beads on either side of the main pendant (if there is one) to make sure the same number of beads are on both sides.

4. When you have all the beads strung on the thread, tie a knot in the upholstery thread, bringing the end beads as close as possible. Repeat the knot several times.

5. Cut off excess thread.

6. Use the lighter to singe the ends of the thread to prevent the knot from slipping and the ends from fraying.

Creative Commons License photo credit: love?janine

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Alexis Rodrigo

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