November 6, 2008

At Home Teeth Whitening: What’s Safe?

Kiss me
Creative Commons License photo credit: Kyknoord

We all want a sparkling, white smile. You can get toothpaste, paints, gels, strips, and even light treatments to take the stains off your teeth. You may wonder if they’re safe and if there are natural alternatives. Some are even concerned that whitening ruins the enamel and root of the tooth and leaves it damaged and vulnerable.

Several studies have been conducted on the gel and tray based whitening systems and they’ve shown that, at the concentrations available over the counter, there is no damage to the enamel of the tooth. Teeth whitening products like toothpastes, strips, and paints use the same or less abrasive materials than gel trays, so they are safe to use without damaging enamel. You can purchase whitening toothpastes and gels with safer, natural ingredients, like Tom’s of Maine and SunRider’s SunSmile.

[ad#ad-2] Dentist offices use the same type of solution as over the counter methods; however, they tend to offer higher concentrations so the whitening is more effective. Studies have shown that these concentrations may harm tooth enamel. Express you concerns to the dentist and ask what options are available to protect your teeth.

There has been some concern raised that these types of treatments may be considered carcinogens because they break down into free radicals. They also have suggested that teeth whitening may cause root damage to teeth. There have been extensive research studies and there is no hard evidence to support either of these claims

The problem with many whitening products, even very weak ones, is that they can cause a problem for people with sensitive teeth. The treatments tend to worsen the level of sensitivity to hot and cold.

Avoiding dark teas and coffee, as well as red wine (and of course smoking!) will help prevent teeth darkening. Drinking or swishing with water after these beverages will also help. Brushing with a bit of baking soda or peroxide can whiten teeth, but be careful, since these can both be harsh. Rubbing mashed strawberries onto your teeth can also whiten them naturally.

Breastfeeding Moms may be concerned about using whitening products, but the opinion of breastfeeding experts like La Leche League is that not enough of the active ingredient gets into Mom’s bloodstream and therefore her milk, to affect the baby.

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Disclaimer: This website is not a substitute for consultation with your health care giver. You should not use any of the exercises or treatments mentioned in this website, without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

Disclosure: When I mention products, you must assume I will receive compensation for doing so. However, I only recommend products and services I myself use or believe in and would recommend to my own sisters and mother. Nevertheless, you should perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned in this website.
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Alexis Rodrigo

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