November 3, 2009

Natural Remedies for Skin Problems

Every year, millions of dollars are spent trying to treat skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea. For many people, these conditions are simply embarrassing and often temporary, but they can also be painful, and for some never go away.

While doctors may treat your condition with pills and creams, they are often very expensive and even more often, they do little to completely clear away your skin problems. Before you try another expensive treatment, why not try natural remedies for your skin problems?

While you may be skeptical, these remedies have been used for hundreds of years and cost a lot less than prescriptions. That said, always test any new substance by applying a small amount on the inside of your arm and observing for a few hours.

Try The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, and Fragrances for reference.

Many myths about skin issues involving food just aren’t true. Eating chocolate or other oily foods isn’t going to give you a breakout, but that doesn’t mean that diet isn’t a factor in the health of your skin. We are what we eat, so if you want to look good, you have to eat right with a diet rich in nutrients, many of which can be found in fruits and vegetables.

One of the best natural cures doesn’t require you eating anything, or applying anything to your skin at all. In fact, you have to do the opposite. Many skin problems like acne are actually allergic reactions to foods or skin creams. You just need to figure out what you’re allergic to and avoid it and you’ll likely see you skin issues clear up quickly.

To determine if you have an allergy, you’ll need to keep a food and skin journal. Record everything you eat, everything you put on your skin, and your skin symptoms. After a few weeks you can review it. You may notice that a specific food or product is triggering your symptoms. While it might be hard to cut out a food, your skin will thank you.

To keep skin healthy, it needs to be cleansed twice a day. Using natural cleansers can help keep your pores clear without irritating them with unnatural chemicals. Many products claim to be all natural, but are really only partly natural products. You can look for certification seals on products, or simply use products you make yourself.

For a great at-home blemish mask, try mixing a tablespoon of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of orange peel powder, 1 tablespoon beaten yogurt, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply and dry, just like a regular mask, then rinse with hot then cold water.

Other natural things shown to cut down on skin problems include tomatoes, watermelon juice, cucumber, and mint juice.

Again, test something on the inside of your arm first, to make sure you don’t have a sensitivity to it. Natural ingredients can cause a reaction in sensitive individuals the same way chemical ingredients do.

You may also find a detox diet beneficial for clearing up acne, eczema, and other skin issues. Toxic chemicals from our food and other things we?re exposed to can build up in our system.  Your skin problems could simply be a reaction to these chemicals in your system. To rid yourself of them, you can try a quick detox or simply switch to a diet with cleansing herbs and whole, unprocessed foods. Consult a naturopathic physician about which detox program is best for you.

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Disclaimer: This website is not a substitute for consultation with your health care giver. You should not use any of the exercises or treatments mentioned in this website, without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

Disclosure: When I mention products, you must assume I will receive compensation for doing so. However, I only recommend products and services I myself use or believe in and would recommend to my own sisters and mother. Nevertheless, you should perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned in this website.
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Alexis Rodrigo

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